• Contributed to a webinar about SEO in the age of AI. We did a webinar about SEO and AI for the marketing agency I worked for at the time, covering some of its advantages as well as some of its drawbacks. 
  • Citrus Spine. This is my most successful content strategy example. We grew this site from non-existent, to outranking Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic in the very tough space of online healthcare advice. 
  • How Does a Tachometer Work? is one of my more successful blog posts that brought in a lot of traffic to the site and helped drive conversions and increase authority. 
  • Click on my blog to see my daily musing about anything related to marketing, SEO, business news, and occasionally, if I'm feeling brave, geopolitics. 
  • This is another blog I contributed to and researched topics for. In order to optimize our digital footprint, I researched blog topics using keywords, phrases, and common questions related to drone operations.
  • CompassData is a website I have helped optimize through keyword research, title tags, and metadata, as well as copywriting.