The Growing Role of AI in Digital Marketing and SEO

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) is rapidly evolving. As AI capabilities like machine learning and natural language processing advance, more tools and solutions are emerging to automate and enhance traditional SEO tasks. While still in its early days, AI is poised to transform many aspects of how marketers optimize and promote content.

According to one survey, over 80% of digital marketers planned to increase AI usage in 2024. The reasons are clear – AI can scale output while eliminating tedious manual work. From generating optimized web copy to predicting customer needs to analyzing vast troves of data, AI is minimizing human limitations.

Current SEO applications of AI range from identifying high-value keywords to creating content to generating insights from analytics. AI-powered solutions can produce more content, process signals and patterns we’d never detect, and even make predictions about future trends and searcher needs.

However, AI in SEO also faces challenges. Content quality issues, lack of creative narrative, and inability to replace human strategy are current barriers. But the technology is continuously advancing. As AI improves at adapting, learning and mimicking human skills, its SEO and digital marketing applications will become more sophisticated and integral.

The future possibilities of AI and machine learning to enhance SEO results are vast. Though it will complement human marketers rather than replace them, AI is undoubtedly a burgeoning trend set to change the face of digital marketing and SEO in the years ahead.

Current SEO Applications of AI

AI-generated SEO content creation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used extensively in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to generate optimized web content automatically. AI-powered content tools, such as Articoolo, Verblio, and Phrasee, can create blog posts, product descriptions, and web copy that are optimized for target keywords and ranking goals. Although the quality of the content produced by these tools can vary, their ability to quickly generate content at scale is remarkable.


Chatbots such as Seobot and Hubspot’s Chatbot Builder utilize natural language processing to comprehend and reply to inquiries from customers. By incorporating search engine optimization (SEO)-focused bots, businesses can promptly offer optimized solutions to frequently asked questions, thereby enhancing the experience for website visitors.

Another valuable application involves the analysis of vast amounts of data to extract SEO insights. Tools like Moz’s Correlation Score employ machine learning algorithms to examine datasets comprising rankings, links, and engagement signals. This analysis enables predictions regarding the performance of different types of content.

Keyword Research

Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be a valuable tool in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). AI can help generate keyword ideas, predict trends, and model topic opportunities. For instance, AI-powered tools like UberSuggest, Ahrefs, and AnswerThePublic can expand keyword research and strategy.

To summarize, AI is currently being used in SEO to create content, engage with customers, and analyze data. As technology advances, there is potential for even more applications of AI in the field of SEO.

Machine Learning for Automated SEO Tasks

Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables the automation of important search engine optimization (SEO) tasks. Through the analysis of data and identification of patterns, machine learning algorithms can enhance and expand crucial SEO activities to a greater degree. Some have touted new AI technology like OpenAI’s Chat GPT, Claude 2, or Bard as tools to automate SEO tasks, but for the most part, these tools already exist and to try to recreate them using the latest AI would be a waste of time. We’re going to look at some of the tools out there that use AI to automate SEO tasks and show how the latest additions to generative AI can help augment these tools.

Keyword Research

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz leverage machine learning on massive keyword databases to uncover high-potential, low-competition keywords and related terms. This expands possibilities beyond manual research capabilities. Machine learning models can also track keyword difficulty over time. Tools like ChatGPT and Claude are great at coming up with keywords quickly, but the volume is significantly lower and they only give you a list of keywords with no other insights. Legacy tools and the newest developments in AI are best used together to get the most out of your keyword research.

Site Crawl Analysis

Machine learning has enhanced website crawl analysis to identify technical and on-page optimization issues. Models can detect duplicate content, flag broken links, and test page speed at scale. Automated crawl analysis is far faster than manual approaches to reviewing site health. This is another example of an area where the technology is already out there through applications like Screaming Frog, so using AI to make your own site crawler would just be reinventing the wheel.

Search Intent Classification

Understanding user intent helps serve highly relevant content. Machine learning classifiers can categorize queries as either informational, commercial-transactional, or navigational based on word patterns. Identifying intent guides content strategy and optimization.

In summary, applying machine learning to automate tasks like keyword research, site auditing, and intent classification points to a future where SEO workflows are augmented by intelligent algorithms.

Natural Language Generation for SEO Content

Natural Language Generation (NLG) plays a crucial role in creating content for SEO purposes. It’s widely used in various aspects of content creation and optimization.

Automated Blogging

Automated blogging tools can generate blog posts with relevant keywords, helping websites maintain a consistent publishing schedule. This approach is efficient but should be used judiciously to ensure the content remains informative and engaging. Google won’t punish you for generating content with AI as long as that content is informative and helps the end user. Don’t automate your content strategy just to churn out new content in the hope of ranking higher; hat would be against Google’s guidelines. But in the hands of a competent strategist AI can significantly speed up the blogging process without sacrificing quality. Once the content has been generated it is important to add in external links where relevant. If your content makes factual assertions, you should be able to back those statements up with links to authoritative sites. Think of your external links as citations and Google is your college professor. If you back up your statements you show Google that your site is authoritative.

Product Descriptions

AI-driven NLG can efficiently create product descriptions by analyzing technical specifications and turning them into persuasive and conversion-focused content, which is especially valuable for e-commerce websites.

Landing Page Copy

Landing pages are essential for SEO, and AI can assist in crafting compelling copy that aligns with user intent and SEO best practices. This includes generating clear calls to action and optimizing content for specific keywords.

Limitations and Challenges of AI in SEO

While AI brings significant benefits to SEO, it also has limitations and challenges that need to be addressed.

Content Quality Issues

AI-generated content might sometimes lack the depth and nuance that human writers can provide. Ensuring high-quality and accurate content remains a challenge.

Lacks Human Creativity and Strategic Insight

AI lacks the creativity and strategic insight that human writers can offer. It may not fully understand the intricacies of brand voice and long-term content strategies.

The Future of AI and SEO

AI is poised to continue transforming the SEO landscape, with several predictions for its growth.

Predictions for AI Growth in SEO

Generative AI and NLG are expected to become more sophisticated, aiding SEO professionals in creating high-quality content efficiently. AI’s role in content optimization, data analysis, and search engine ranking is set to expand.


In conclusion, AI-powered NLG tools are valuable assets in the SEO content creation process. However, they must be used in conjunction with human expertise to ensure content quality, creativity, and strategic insight. As AI continues to evolve, it will remain a key player in the SEO industry, aiding professionals in their efforts to rank higher in search engines and reach their target audience.