Personal Brand

My name is Jostein Brubeck Unhammer, but I go by Joe. I was born in Flekkefjord, Norway with dual Norwegian and US citizenship. After high school I moved to Colorado, where I have family, to work as a snowboard instructor. After a few years of that and various odd jobs, I joined the army. I spent half my time on active duty in Afghanistan and after I got out, I went to get a degree with my G.I. Bill. While in school I started studying aviation while working in the drone industry. It was at this time that I discovered that my passion was more in business development than any specific industry. I started working in sales and marketing and decided to expand my skillset in that category.

What I Do

I believe I should write creatively and work analytically. Currently I have found that marketing is the perfect combination of left brain/right brain activity for me. I enjoy writing content and feel like that is where I can be most creative. Some people are artistic with a brush and some have an affinity for graphic design. I feel like I am best at painting a picture with words – which is good, because I am godawful with a brush. I am also very fond of numbers and statistics. When looking at strategies to make something work, data is very important to me. I never want to execute a strategy based on what someone feels like we should do.

Who I Work With

Companies with a good product that wants to honestly and effectively market themselves online is who I aim to serve. I help companies and organizations get noticed in the digital world. We communicate what a company offers and how that helps the end customer. This is done by executing campaigns and strategies based on tried and true tactics to maximize exposure online.

They want to find new customers and develop long term, fruitful relationships – without cheap tricks and without lying. In order to do this effectively it is important that I identify which audience they should be speaking to, how to get in front of this audience, and what to communicate to them. They fear being lost in a crowded field or spending time and effort in front of the wrong audience. They would all like to be problem solvers for their clients. If you have the right product at the right place, you don’t need to be slick to succeed. You don’t need salespeople who are tricky or pushy. Instead you can be honest, turn down business that doesn’t fit your profile, and focus on improving what you do best. I add value by letting my customers focus on their core competency, while I take care of getting them in front of their potential customers. They won’t have to worry about spending a retainer on unproven tactics that never generate a sale. I use metrics and data to prove my worth and show them a return on investment.